Learn How To Learn Javascript
Get a roadmap to be a javascript developer

Learn How to Learn:
First of all, whenever we dive into the programming fields we feel depressed because of proper roadmap or guidelines. Basically, Google is the best teacher all over the time where you can meet up your thirst for learning any topic. So, first of all, we need to learn how to learn and the answer is to search for anything on google you want to learn.
As I am learning javascript so I want to share some guidelines on how to be an expert in javascript.
What is Javascript, why javascript, how javascript??
Javascript is a popular web-based programming language. It enables you to create dynamically updating content, control multimedia, animate images, and pretty much everything else. It is mainly used in client-side coding but now you can do server-side coding with. We may discuss it later. You don’t need to install anything to run it and it is fully free to use. You are already in a javascript zone because you can browse any website because of javascript. This website is also using javascript.
HTML, CSS is the body and style of a website where javascript is the brain of a website.
What is Vanilla Javascript?
Vanilla javascript means coding with javascript without using its frameworks and libraries.
What you need to learn at the starting of Javascript?
Data Types :
- numbers: simple number system
- string: a collection of characters. example: “I am Naim”
- boolean: whether a condition is true or false
- arrays: a collection of items or values stayed in []
example : [ ‘apple’, ‘mango’, ‘pineapple’ ]
5. objects: a collection of property-value pairs
example: { name : ‘max’, age: 34, profession : ‘student’ }
More Data Types:
- undefined: when you won’t define anything
let a;
a === undefined; — — — true
2. Empty values: when you don’t put any value
let name = ‘’
3. Null: when the task you provide is not possible
let sum = null
4. NaN: Not a Number
let division = ‘name’/ 10;
Primitive and Reference Data Type:
- Primitive Data Type: Deals with values
— — Example: number, string, boolean
2. Reference Data Type: Deals with address
— —Example: array, object
# if condition:
# if else condition:
# if else if else condition:
if(first condition){
else if(second condition){
# Switch:
switch (option){
case 1;
default: // code
for loop, for in loop, for of loop, while loop, do while loop
There are two types of functions.
- built-in functions : alert(), console.log() etc
- user-defined functions:
some types of functions;
- normal function:
function sayHello(name){
console.log(‘Hello’ + name)
2. function expression:
let sayHello = function(name){
console.log(‘Hello’ + name)
3. arrow function:
let sayHello = (name) =>{
console.log(‘Hello’ + name)
4. Immediately Invoking Function Expression(IIFE):
(function sayHello(){
const name =”Naim”
console.log(‘Hello’ + name)
Leveling Up to ES6:
Javascript classes:
class is a template for making objects
Static Function:
Global variable Vs local Variable:
var has global scope .whereas let const have local scope.
What you need to learn at the intermediate phase of Javascript?
Exploring the DOM (Document Object Model):
DOM Selector: Single element selector, multiple element selector
Traversing the DOM
Javascript DOM events
What you need to learn at the advanced phase of Javascript?
Callback Function
event bubble
map,filter , find functions
bind, call, apply